Friday, August 13, 2010

What's Going On Here?

An official "Hello" to everyone who will (with luck) be reading this in the future!

I like having something new to read every day. I love short stories for the glimpse they give into a world that continues on without us as observers. I thought it would be nice to fill my time in this economic slump with something I've always loved - stories.

Here's what's going on:

1. I'm posting a short story every day.
2. They are of varying lengths and formats.
3. I'm looking for other people who would like to contribute short stories to the site.

If you're interested in submitting a story to put on the site, here's some rules I'll set forth:

1. Email me a work of FICTION - I will check to see if you have plagiarized.
2. Keep it under 4 typed pages. If you have a preference for where the break is inserted, let me know.
3. If you want to include an image, provide it along with the source. Images without a source will not be used.
4. Keep it tasteful.

Also, I'm setting forth a weekly challenge - The Power of Suggestion

Each Saturday there will be a call for topics. Comment with a topic that you would like to see in a story (a relationship, a perspective, a place, etc.) and I will randomly select one topic to be featured in Monday's story. Interactive story-telling in an internet forum - fun for all ages!

I welcome any feedback on stories or comments on character development, but be kind. I'm trained as a historian and a farmer; I'm writing because I enjoy it and it gives purpose to my day.

Thanks for visiting and taking the time to read a little of what goes on in my head!

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